Monday 6 September 2010

Late night art: September Review

It all started last Thursday when I saw the Lord 'big head' Mayor himself outside the old Northern Bank on Donegal Street dancing with a carnival character. It lead me to the Cultural Night launch. As any good artist/revolutionary would do I decided to crash the party and grab as many free cocktail sausages as my stubby hands could take. I ended up staying for the entire event getting a great free lunch. I was looking out for Terri Hooley to see if he was going to take over the event with a coup. But no luck there. Lord "Big head" Mayor mumbled something about art and community, when everone knows that the only exhibition he has ever seen is in Stormont and the only community he knows is the one in Botanic Inns.

Later on that day the Late night art was on - I was disappointed to say the least. The only decent shows were Platform arts, Belfast Exposed and the Print Workshop. What was going on at Catalyst I am still not sure. No one was even checking out the art work, everyone was just hanging out at the balcony looking alternative. I left early with a disappointing night in all. I think everyone was saving the good stuff for the Culture night on the 24th of September (a Friday). Definitely worth checking out.


  1. Please keep your blog up to date-I find it coooooooooooooooooooooooooool
